The grain crops that grain processing and storage enterprises work with have a shell with a high silicon content, which determines its increased abrasiveness.
Transporting equipment, especially port elevators, handles thousands of tons of grain, which leads to significant wear and tear from friction. When grain moves inside the elements of the transport system, abrasion can be so strong that in one or two seasons you can observe through wear of individual parts.
Lining is a technical solution that allows you to protect the surface of elevator equipment and significantly increase its service life.
This method will also help to significantly reduce the cost of repair work.
To solve the problem of wear resistance of conveyor structures, we offer HARDOX sheet steel as the main lining material.
HARDOX wear-resistant steel, due to its hardness and homogeneity, has the unique property of resisting wear from friction of particles of various abrasive materials moving along it.
When working with it, appropriate technological preparation and design solutions are required, taking into account the recommendations of the Swedish concern SSAB, the manufacturer of HARDOX steel.
What components and structures need to be lined?
In scraper conveyors, the bottoms and sides are subject to lining.
(photo 1, 2, 3)
In vertical conveyors (elevators) the receiving part of the shoe and the head are lined.
(photo 4)
Typically, these elements are made easily removable, which allows for their quick replacement.
The company HARDOTEC manufactures bottoms, sides and supporting chain guides (photo 5) for conveyors and elevators.
The production of these products is possible according to customer drawings or documentation compiled by measurements by our specialists at existing facilities.
It is also possible to manufacture individual elements of the gravity system from HARDOX steel.